Dom Polski is Adelaide’s cultural hub
The Dom Polski Centre is the home of South Australia’s Polish Community. It boasts a proud legacy of community engagement and promotes multicultural partnerships.

Our History
The original Dom Polski was purchased in 1960 by the post World War 2 Polish refugees in Adelaide. They saw it important to preserve their heritage and culture so it could be passed on to their children and future generations. Initially, the house on Woodville Road, Woodville in Adelaide’s western suburbs was renovated to serve as a meeting place. It quickly became popular for many community and family functions. By the late 1960s, the original building was seen as too small, so plans were initiated to build a more accommodating centre. This led to the construction of the new building at 230 Angas Street, Adelaide. The foundation stone was laid on December 29th 1972. Within 12 months, the Dom Polski Centre was open.

The Dom Polski Centre is a popular function venue, ideally situated in Adelaide’s CBD. It hosts a range of activities including sporting, cultural and corporate as well as weddings, formals, christenings and wakes. A dedicated team of professional and volunteer staff ensures the Centre continues as a vibrant facility, underpinned by Polish hospitality.
The Dom Polski centre provides a venue for the Polish and wider community to socialise and host events of cultural diversity.